What Being a Black Man in the 21st Century Means to My Son, Langston

My son completed his Rites of Passage process on July 21, 2020 on his 13th birthday. During his process he was to learn and internalize the principles of Kwanzaa, a cultural tradition we celebrate and observe as a family. He met with members of his community to discuss and learn how they apply the principles…


when my belly was flat i did not love my body more foe than friend she endured my judgment with very little backlash i pushed her too hard complained too frequently told her repeatedly she was not good enough for me when my belly was flat i did not love my body starving then gorging…

extraordinary measures on ordinary days

most women are superheroes. that’s not an overestimation. in fact when it comes to their children, to their families, most women take extraordinary measures on ordinary days.

In This Here AFTER

Today I stood in the full body mirror attached to my closet. I stared at my belly and my hips for full minutes in disbelief before huffing out a joke at my own expense to no one, Girl. You need to get it together. You looking like one of them ‘Before‘ pictures on Instagram! I…

You Need To Stop Playing and Go Buy You a Bikini! #NoMoreMomSuits

Stop believing the advertisers. They lying to you. I know this because they also lie to me. That print copy was meant to get you to buy that ugly swimsuit by feeding into the running narrative that once you’ve dropped a kid or more your body is no longer desirable and therefore, should be hidden.

I’ve been a little busy…Happy Earth Day

Today is Earth Day in the USA. It’s critical that EVERYONE stand up and against the anti-American budget #45 has proposed. This budget stripes tax paying Americans of the protections we have fought generals to put in place. We must say NO. Protect Americans. Protect our environments. Protect our schools. Protect our health care. Protect…

Trauma: What A.D.D. Is Not

Because inattentiveness, poor impulse management, and hyperactivity are also cornerstone symptoms for Attention Deficit Disorder, many children navigating trauma are diagnosed with A.D.D. inappropriately.