harriet tubman, a fearfree living trailblazer

if the only thing harriet tubman had ever done was walk to freedom and then later return to rescue her family members, she would have earned her place in history as a woman of courage.

because i am, a poem

I want to write a poem that moves with the cadence and crescendo of an old Negro spiritual; I want to write a poem that reaches into the bowel of humanity in a vise like grip milking out compassion and tolerance; I want to write a poem that shares the test of walking through fire…

Mrs. Delores Bennett, Patron Saint of the North End

i was a young nonprofit executive completely full of myself. she came into my office rattled off a list of to do’s so fast it made my head spin. i thought i was smart. i thought i was caring. i thought i understood what working for the people meant…then i met Mrs. Delores Bennett. she…